Methodology to judge biorefinery options in a bioenergy production chain

Local bioenergy projects can galvanize rural development and improve livelihoods. Biorefinering can also improve local incomes. This work aims to present a methodology to judge the People Planet Profit prospects of a proposed biorefinery operation in a bioenergy production chain. The first step involves making a flow chart; it can be used to recognize biorefinery options and estimate the Profit generated by the proposed operation. The second part involves using a Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM), a semi-quantitative tool; it can be used to examine effects on People and Planet. There are some analytical tools described for use in the FCM. Final People, Planet and Profit results can be compared for different options. The methodology described guides a cognitive process to consider different biorefinery options in a bioenergy chain. It is suitable for use in rural areas of developing countries.

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